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6 Ways to Reduce the Overall Energy Cost For Your Business

February 28, 2022
Energy Cost Concept — Deerfield, IL — Peak Utility Brokers

6 Ways to Reduce the Overall Energy Cost For Your Business

Are you a business owner struggling with the high cost of electricity? Energy costs can be high for businesses of all types and sizes. By implementing a few simple energy-conservation strategies, you can help reduce your company's energy use. Not only is conserving energy beneficial for the environment, but it’s also good for your businesses’ bank account.

1) Let Peak Utility Brokers Be Your Energy Supplier

If you live in one of the 16 deregulated states, we can help you find an electricity plan that can lower your electricity bills. We partner with over 50 electricity suppliers who compete to save you money. Many business owners are paying more than necessary for their electricity so shopping for a more affordable supplier can help save money.

2) Consider Your Business Equipment

One of the best ways to reduce energy costs is to use equipment that reduces energy consumption. Consider upgrading outdated equipment such as printers, refrigerators, lighting fixtures, bathroom exhaust fans, HVAC systems, and other heavy energy-consuming equipment with an energy efficient model. By making these improvements, you could save up to 75% on some products and help boost your company’s sustainability.

3) Turn Off Lights And Devices

All appropriate equipment should be put into sleep mode when not in use. Make sure to switch off all the lights and disconnect appliances or equipment that aren't in use when leaving. Simplify this process by using a power strip. Identify energy vampires, devices that continue to consume power even when they are turned off. Items such as computers, phone chargers and coffee machines can account for up to 20% of electrical bills f left plugged in at all times.

 Another option is installing motion sensors and automatic shut-offs on your lights when a room is not in use. It’s easy to leave lights on where you don’t need them, and this can make it easier.

4) Install Energy-Efficient Lights

LED lighting uses at least 75% less energy and lasts considerably longer than incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs can last 25,000 hours, while incandescent bulbs last 750 hours. Even though LED bulbs may cost more upfront, they are more cost effective in the long term.

5) Use a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats automatically adjust your room temperature settings for maximum performance. These devices are one of the best investments to save energy. You can program usage to shift away from peak times when demand is higher and electricity is more expensive and still maintain a comfortable temperature.

6) Involve Employees

Business owners aren't the only ones responsible for implementing energy saving methods. Encourage energy-efficient work culture in your business. Educate and motivate employees to be energy-conscious and offer ideas about how energy can be saved.

If you would like to reduce your business’ overall energy cost, consider contacting us. The process is simple, and we can provide a savings proposal for you. Our staff is knowledgeable and dedicated to maximizing your energy needs. Give us a call today at 406-206-7992 to learn more about your potential savings! 406-206-7992

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As utility brokers, the cost of electricity and natural gas is inevitable. We know it can be a little overwhelming at times. But commonly, it is a significant expense for businesses and homeowners every month. The average price of utilities per month varies by state. For businesses, it is hard to determine the average because it depends on the specific industry. But for example, homeowners have an average monthly utility cost for electricity is $114.44, and natural gas is $63.34. We are a company dedicated to helping businesses manage their energy costs. Not just limited to the Billings, Montana area, but over 27 different states where energy is deregulated. It’s our mission to help you understand your electric bill simply. It is essential you know all the elements of the energy charges and fees on your electric or natural gas bills each month. How you deal with your energy reflects on your whole business. If you want changes in your overall budget, start by making decisions effectively to minimize bill costs. We have the best solutions for you to help you save​ money in the short and long term.
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